Chalkwell Lawns, Southend-on-Sea, Essex
Redevelopment of a prominent London Road commercial plot and rear car park with 2 residential buildings delivering 25 new apartments in Southend-on-Sea, Essex.
A tired 3 storey commercial / office building fronting onto London Road and sandwiched between a taller office block and a supermarket site is proposed to be demolished and replaced by a new 5 storey residential block. Behind this site, the car park of the neighbouring office block will be optimised to enable the build of a new 4 storey residential block retaining some of the parking underneath on the ground floor. The high quality apartment layouts and smart external appearance were key to gain local support for the proposals in the early consultation stages and hopefully enable the intensification and regeneration of this site.
Status: Planning Application Approved
Total GIA: 23,500sqft
Client: Dove Jeffery Homes
Planning Consultant: Sphere25
Energy / Sustainability: The PES
Environmental: Curtins
Transport: Markides
Arboricultural: Hayden’s
Noise / Air Qiuality: Anderson Acoustics
Community Involvement: Community Conversations
Daylight / Sunlight: T16
Ecology: Skilled Ecology
Drainage: Nimbus Engineering
Visuals: Encuadra Estudio