White Lodge Close, Hampstead, London
Transforming a 1940’s villa in Hampstead into a contemporary residence and doubling its size.
This project is located in a private gated close off The Bishops Avenue, one of the most exclusive residential areas in London. By extending the rear and sides, elevating the roof, and rearranging the internal layouts, we are doubling the net area of this neglected building and turning it into a 6-bedroom house with contemporary open plan interiors and double height spaces in the entrance hall and dining area.
After extensive consultation with Barnet Council, the external appearance of the proposal follows the Hampstead Garden Suburb Conservation Area Design Guidance, and we managed to secure the Officer’s support in principle for the increase in height and bulk. Fingers crossed for the success of the application now.
Status: Planning Application approved
Total GIA: increased from 2,830sqft to 6,150sqft