Brixton Hill, London
Planning Approval to re-develop a brownfield site with a courtyard proposal of 24 new apartments on Brixton Hill, London.
“It (the proposal) therefore complies with Policy Q5 of the L-LP which requires local distinctiveness to be sustained and reinforced and Policy Q7 of the L-LP which requires high quality design. It also complies with Policy D3 of the LP which requires a design-led approach to optimise site capacity and high quality design.” – Inspector appointed by the Sectretary of State
Permission Granted at appeal overturning all 16 reasons for refusal by Lambeth Council. By the time of the appeal 6 reasons remained unresolved which were all design related such as character, massing, living conditions and impact on neighbours. The Inspector found the design to be satisfactory in all matters and confirmed that we managed to optimise the capacity of this brownfield site with a high-quality design-led approach.
Located in the middle of an urban block, in the Rush Common Brixton Hill Conservation Area, the site is currently occupied by a small business estate. Overlooked from all sides, the concept comprises a large central courtyard that provides the main aspect for the U-shaped building. To minimise impact on the buildings next-door, the stepped height of the proposal has been developed using sunlight/daylight and rights of light envelopes. The envelope starts with 3 storeys along the south and north boundaries and gradually rises to 5 in the middle of the site.
A wide range of accommodation is provided starting from small 1 bed flats, through larger family apartments to 4 bed houses.
The two-toned brick facades, a lighter yellow brick primary cladding material and a contrasting dark brown brick for the accents, render the proposal a soft residential look and help integrating into the predominantly brown/red/yellow brick context.
With the limited area available, the landscaping concept aims to utilise as much space as possible for soft landscaping with semi-natural vegetation, new trees and intensive green roofs. The hard landscaping in the middle of the site is proposed from high-quality permeable block paving in different sizes and finishes to differentiate the pedestrian paths and the parking spaces.
Status: Planning Application Approved
Total GIA: 25,000sqft
Client: Platinum Land
Planning Consultant: NTA Planning LLP
Legal: Thrings
Surveyor: Delva Patman Redler LLP, Gerald Eve
Acoustics: Venta Acoustics
Environmental: Sevenoaks Environmental Consultancy Ltd
Sunlight / daylight: Anstey Horne
Fire: BB7
Aeolus Air Quality Consulting
Energy / Sustainability: Energylab, WSP
Heritage: The Built Heritage Consultancy
Transport: Travel and Transport Planning Consulting Ltd (TTP Consulting)
Consultants: Rory Harmer, Anna French